Publikationen & Medien


Barth, H.K. & H. Schwarze: Winterregen und Bodenerosion. Dokumentation eines Extrem-Ereignisses im Herbst 1998 im Paderborner Land. In: Die Warte, Nr. 102. Sommer 1999, 3 Abb., 4 Fotos, pp. 9-12.  

Schwarze, H. & T. Oppermann: Paderborner Geographen forschen im Königreich Saudi-Arabien. In: Paderborner Universitätszeitschrift, WS 99/2000, 1 Foto. pp. 44-45.

Schwarze, H. & J. Beineke.: „Wilder Westen und Bodenerosion“. In: Paderborner Universitätszeitschrift, 1/2001, 3 Fotos, pp. 16-17.

Schwarze, H. & M. Lukaszewicz: „Fünf Monate in der Wüste“ In: Paderborner Universitätszeitschrift, 4/2001, 3 Fotos, pp. 18-19.

Schwarze, H., Beineke, J. & H.K. Barth: Regeneration of ecosystems after anthropogenic impact – Al Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, Saudi Arabia. Poster A1, 2 figures, 5 pictures. In: Poster session at the ‘Quest 2002 Conference’ from the 27th to the 30th of January 2002 in Doha, Qatar.

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Elhag, A.G.E., S. Aspinall, H. Schwarze, B. Boer & A. Osman, 2002: Abu Hamour Study, Doha, Qatar. Project Document – Environmental Survey in Abu Hamour, Doha, Qatar. Prepared by the UNESCO Office Doha for the Qatari Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture. 17p. & CD-Rom.

Aspinall, S., R. Phillips, B. Böer, H. Schwarze, C. Gillespi, K. Al Alenzi, E. Al Hitmi, N. Al Muraikhi & S. Al Safran, 2002: Biosphere Reserve Study, Qatar. Project Document – Rapid Assessment of potential Biosphere Reserves in Qatar. Prepared by the UNESCO Office Doha for the Qatari Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Resources. 22p. & CD-Rom.

Kock, D., H. Schwarze & T. Oppermann, 2002: Fauna Survey in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. Prepared by the UNESCO Office Doha for Qatar Petroleum. 31p. & CD-Rom.

Aspinall, S. et al., 2003: Hawar Islands Biosphere Reserve Study, Bahrain. Project Document – Assessment of Hawar Islands, Bahrain as a potential Biosphere Reserve, together with the Al Areen Reserve. Prepared by the UNESCO Office Doha for the Bahrain National Commission for Wildlife Protection, January 2003. 44p. & CD-Rom.

Harteisen, U., P. Liepmann, H. Belz, H. Schwarze & A. Wiendl, 2003: Förderung des Landtourismus NRW. Handlungsorientierte Konzeptstudie über die regionalökonomischen, u.a. touristischen Entwicklungsperspektiven einer Nationalparkregion Senne. Mai 2003. 292p. & CD-Rom & Karte.

Schwarze, H., H. K. Barth, W. Al-Malki & I. Minz, 2005: Tourism in the Khor Al-Adaid Area, State of Qatar. Report to Qatar Tourism Authority. unpub. 29p.

Licciardi, G., H. Schwarze, B. Böer & S. Aspinall, 2007: Tentative List of World Heritage Sites in the State of Qatar. UNESCO Office in Doha. 23p.

Schwarze, H. & F. Lechtenberg (Eds.), 2007: WHS-Journal – Magazin für nachhaltige Entwicklung und innovatives Umweltmanagement. World Habitat Society e.V. ISSN 1864-0419.

Schwarze, H. & H.K. Barth, 2008: Interactive GPS-guided environmental tours: New ways to assist sustainable human development with a special view to ecotourism. In: Escher, H. et. al (eds.) 3rd International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks, Osnabrück. pp. 20.

Schwarze, H. & H.K. Barth, 2008: Interactive GPS-guided tours with Reference to Ecotourism. In: Ministry of Environment & Climate Affairs, Sultanate of Oman, and UNESCO: Environmentally Friendly Tourism. CD-Rom.

Schwarze, H., 2009: GPS-based, interactive guided tours: New ways to assist sustainable tourism development. In: UNESCO Doha Office (Ed.) Towards Environmentally Friendly Tourism in Arabian Biosphere Reserves. pp. 34-36.

Böer, B., M. Richtzenhain, H. Schwarze & M. Breulmann, 2009: Environmentally friendly buildings – Enhanced water- energy-, and waste-management in Arab urban ecosystems. In: UNESCO Doha Office (Ed.) Towards Environmentally Friendly Tourism in Arabian Biosphere Reserves. 34-36 pp.

Schwarze, H., 2010: Better Buildings – Enhanced water-, energy-, and waste-management in Arab urban ecosystems – globally applicable. UNESCO Doha Office (Ed.), Doha, Qatar.

Schwarze, H., 2013: Electronic interpretation. In: D. Newsome, S. A. Moore and R. K. Dowling (eds) Natural Area Tourism – Ecology, Impacts and Management, 2nd Ed. 306-307 pp.

Schwarze, H. & al Toubi, K. (Producers) and Jähne, R. & Herbort, S. (Directors). 2017. The Migrant – Sooty Falcons in Oman [Motion Picture]. Diwan of Royal Court, Office for Conservation of the Environment, Oman.

Schäferjohann, M. & H.Schwarze, 2017: The Little Sooty Falcon. Diwan of Royal Court, Office for Conservation of the Environment (Ed.), Oman. 1st Edition, 2017, 24 p.

Schäferjohann, M. & H.Schwarze, 2017: Alex und die Senne. Förderverein Nationalpark Senne-Eggegebirge e.V. (Ed.), Germany. 1st Edition, 2017, 24 p.

H.Schwarze (Producer) & Jähne R. (Director), 2019: Lake Tana UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Multimedia Feature, UNESCO (Ed.), Ethiopia.

Böer, B., P. Prix, H. Schwarze & B. Korff, 2022: Climate Science Literacy in Asia and the Pacific, Poster series for UNESCO, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN ESCAP, UNFCCC, UNICEF, and UNOSSC, Bangkok, Thailand.

Böer, B., M. Clüsener-Godt & H. Schwarze, 2022: Grundlagen Klimawissenschaft – Ein Medien-Toolkit zur Unterstützung der Nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele, Posterserie für UNESCO, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN ESCAP, UNFCCC, UNICEF und UNOSSC.

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