On 12 November 2018, UNESCO Bangkok, in partnership with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and NSTDA, organized activities to mark the World Science Day for Peace and Development 2018. The spotlight was placed on plastic waste, one of the greatest global environmental challenges today.

The event was opened in the presence of Dr. Kanyawim Kirtikara, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Mr. Shigeru Aoyagi, Director of UNESCO Bangkok, and Dr. Eden Y Woon, AIT President.

Four keynote lectures were delivered to the audience by speakers from China, Germany, India and Rwanda, presenting the problem of plastic waste and sharing some success stories on plastic waste management. The lectures were followed by poster exhibition.

Keynote speaker Henning Schwarze described plastic pollution as global warming’s companion. “Sustainability should be the new normal,” Henning said while highlighting the need to raise awareness and mobilize for a better future. Quoting examples from citizen sciences activities, he suggested the greater involvement of science, society, and young people in implementing meaningful change.

Some impressions from the World Science Day 2018 event in Bangkok

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